Kevin Tumlinson

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103% - First draft DONE for "Sawyer Jackson & the Long Land"

I couldn't be more excited about this. Don't let the drab little period at the end of that last sentence fool you. I'm walking that thin line of using up the world's supply of exclamation points. 

But awesome!

As of this morning, I am 103% DONE with the first draft of "Sawyer Jackson and the Long Land!" This is a young adult (YA) contemporary fantasy story that I started on May 14 — less than one month ago! All part of my new drive to put out more books per year. Eventually I'd love to get to a book per month, though editing and rewriting can sometimes take up just as much time as the first draft. The quest continues. 

I'm incredibly proud of this story, and I'm excited to get it polished and ready for you folks to read and enjoy. 

Sawyer Jackson is a new series in what I'm currently calling my "Long Land books." After finishing Citadel, and making the decision to keep that universe open for possible stories in the future, I wanted to take everything I learned from the process of creating that series and start something new and fresh, with deep roots. Sawyer Jackson is the first step into that new universe, and I think it's going to be phenomenal. 

Get on the List!

I'll have more details, teasers, samples, and even the new cover ready for you to view soon, I promise. Just check back here often! If you're not already, you should sign up for the mailing list to get updates on my work. Click on "Get on the List" in the site navigation.

Or for bonus fun, and if you haven't already, you can get a FREE copy of "First Colony," the first book in the Citadel series! Click on the yellow banner above, sign up, promise you'll give me a review, and BAM! You're on your way to ebook download nirvana!

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If you've read one of my books and loved it, the best way to show that love is to go review it on Amazon! If you click on "Books" in the navigation, you'll see a list of all my current books, along with links to where you can buy them for Kindle, Nook, or any other reader. Click on these and you can leave a review on Amazon,, Smashwords, or anywhere else you can think of!

Reviews make or break indie authors. So this is big stuff, and I give BIG appreciation. The more reviews I get, the better my books sell, and the better my chances of being able to write more books again and again forever. Happiness ensues.

So please ... review! And let me know when you do!