Lions and Ghettos and Bears, oh my! (ok, no Bears)

I just posted a new "Matrimony Man," and I have some related news... the Houston Chronicle has agreed to let me start posting the blog as "NewlyWed" on their web site! I'll be making arrangements on Monday and when I know something I'll post it here.

This is something we've been working on for months, with a few bumps along the way. I'm still not 100% sure what will be happening with this, but I'm glad we're to a point where we can make it work. So be sure to tune in to the blog whenever it gets posted. I'll do at least one posting a week, just like I do now, but if people leave enough feedback I may do several a week.

Speaking of feedback, I get e-mails but no one ever posts comments here! Waddupwitdat? (forgive the slang, I had a recent ghetto experience).

I'm not sure yet whether I'll still be posting on Matrmony Man or not. It may be a conflict of interest. But if there's a change, I'll make sure to let everyone know. Most likely I'll just point to the new blog from the old one.

On othe writing fronts, I spoke with my new agent this week. They have the latest copy of my novel, "The Last Single Guy," and they're entering it into their database right now. Everyone keep your fingers crossed and your prayer-vigil candles lit! If I can nail a publisher with this one then I'll be one step closer to my goal of total world domination... or at least being recognized at Wal-mart.

Business seems to be picking up for Hat Digital Media. Money isn't, but business is. I have several projects that are in the "big potential" range, including one on Chinese Lion Dancing called "Emperor's Lion." This is a Eu Entertainment documentary that I've been brought in to co-produce. It's a look at Lion Dancing as it exists in modern Chinese-American culture, plus its roots in Chinese history. Many people... ok, most people... confuse the Lion with the Dragon. There IS a distinction, and that's one of the many angles of this documentary. Brad Eu has done and outstanding job getting the footage and interviews for this and now we're just putting the story together. I'll be posting more about it as time goes by, but if anyone has any questions or suggestions about it we actually NEED to hear them! So you can e-mail me with whatever you have. I'm going to write a press-release for this story, so if you know of any publishers or news entities who might be willing to run a piece about the documentary, send those my way too.
Kevin Tumlinson