"Can you believe it? We were all eggs yesterday."

There are days (maybe this is one of them) when you wonder if it's all worth the effort. You ask yourself if it's really worth putting in the time and energy to do what you're trying to do. Sometimes the answer you get back is "no." And you move on to something else.

More often, the answer is "yes." And that's when you have to stop and think about how far you've already come. At some point you had to start, and when you did you started with a lot less than you have today. 

Take stock of what you have. Look at your resources, your inspirations, your insights. List it out, and look it over from top to bottom. And do that again, when you start feeling that things are too heavy, and that you don't know how you'll go on. Remind yourself that you were an egg yesterday. Now get crackin'.