TL;DR - Or Using Telepathy to Control the World
I've been blessed with a pretty cool gift. It's kind of amazing, when I think back on it, how not only my whole career but my whole life has been shaped by this thing I do—this super power I have.
I'm telepathic.
It's true. I put my thoughts into the brains of others, and allow the thoughts of others to come into my brain. And sure, I use an intermediary medium to do it. But that doesn't make it any less miraculous. In fact, it makes it even more miraculous, because it means I can teach other people to be telepathic, too!
In fact, that's the business I'm in these days: Teaching people to be telepaths.
Not just telepaths. Exceptional telepaths. I'm teaching people how to take a thought from their head and make it manifest as something in the minds of others. And as an advanced class, I'm teaching people how to take those thoughts and manifest them as actual physical objects in the world. Some assembly required.
My secret to telepathy? Writing. It's that "intermediary medium" I was talking about earlier. And it's probably the most powerful tool we humans have ever created. It has literally stirred souls both to war and to peace, created new sciences and new fields of study, changed the course of history and created a path of destiny for those who needed one. It's built financial empires and inspired billions to hope. Pretty powerful. I should start wearing a cape.
Writing is taken for granted, because it's literally everywhere. The whole world is at least mildly telepathic. Tweets and text messages and posts, emails and blogs and websites, books and magazines and newspapers, billboards and street signs and those little warning labels on mattresses that no one in the history of anything has ever read—all of it is part of the big, boiling soup of mass telepathy we're all a part of.
There's so much of it that most people think they don't need to develop this gift at all. They already know the basics. Communication happens naturally, so why hone that skill? Why put yourself through the stress of improving it?
Honestly? For most of the world, the ABCs of telepathy are good enough. They get the job done. No problem. But for you? That's never going to be enough.
See, I'm using telepathy on you right now. I'm reading your mind, and I know that you are keenly interested in developing telepathy of your own. You're intrigued by becoming better at it. You recognize that writing is the key to defining yourself, your business, your success.
How do I know?
Because you actually read this far.
You could easily have said tl:dr — too long, didn't read. But you didn't, because you realized that I'm right. This telepathy, as natural and pervasive as it is, isn't enough. You have to be a telepathic master to get what you want out of life.
That's why I consult with entrepreneurs like you to help you develop better telepathy. Or, let's just boil this down to the pure power tools of it—I teach you how to use writing to define your career, define your business, even define your life.
Writing—sounds tedious, right? And yet you do it every day. You write emails and tweets and text messages. You've probably written more words than are in this post just since getting up this morning, in the form of text messages and emails and social media posts. It's just that all of that was on autopilot.
So let's talk about making you an Ace Fighter Pilot of communication.
Writing gives you control of ... well, everything
Having trouble figuring out the story of your business or your life? Writing will help you figure that out. In my interview with Marianne Cantwell (Wordslinger Podcast Episode 005), she summed it up like this:
“I know when we are at this stage of going either ‘who am I or where am I going or what is my business, what is my brand?’ it can be hard to know. And one of the best ways to find out is to write and publish regularly.”
If you don't know what your "brand" is, or you don't know what your "voice" sounds like, or you don't even know what your "offer" is, start writing. If you don't know who your audience is, start writing. If you don't know who you are, or who you want to be, as an entrepreneur or a person, start writing.
Publishing a blog or an email newsletter or even a regular series of social media posts can help you figure out not only your message but your audience, and will let you refine yourself and your skills as you go.
You have one job (at a time)
When I talk to clients about writing, almost universally their first hangup is that they aren't perfect.
Isn't that crazy? Who on Earth actually is perfect? Can someone introduce me to these perfect people who seem to be shaming all the rest of us into not even trying? If they're so perfect, why wouldn't they want to help us be perfect, too? They'd be perfectly selfless, right?
Nobody is perfect.
You just read that last statement in a kind of droning, schoolroom voice, right? Because it's a cliche. And yet, cliche as it may be, no one seems to believe it. We still all go around acting like we can't start, because we'll mess up. Perfection will be ruined. Failure is assured.
Have you ever been to a book store or surfed Notice anything? There seems to be a few million books for sale, right? And I'm a pretty avid reader—I think I've dipped into a large enough sampling of those books to state that none of those authors is perfect. Well, there is that one book. But He's kind of an exception. He sort of created everything. He had home court advantage.
But everyone else? At one point or another, all of them had to face the page and feel the stark existential emptiness it represented. And every one of them had to overcome the most powerful enemy any author ever faces: The Inner Editor.
The Darth Vader to your Luke Skywalker. The Voldemort to your Harry Potter. The Sauron to your Frodo.
If your'e going to get better at telepathy, you have to defeat your arch nemesis. It's you versus your Inner Editor in a showdown to the finish. ONLY ONE WILL SURVIVE.
Look, you have one job, when you're writing: Write. That's it.
I tell clients, "Your job is to write. The editor's job is to edit. Don't do the editor's job. Until you're the editor. Then do the editor's job."
I know, I know—you're a perfectionist. You have OCD. You just can't stand typos. No joke. You're a professional. That's the kind of stuff a responsible human needs to be concerned about. After.
After you write. Not during. After you've finished. Not in the middle. After you've told the story. Not while you're telling it.
You can't keep looking at what you've written and expect to keep moving forward with more of it. You must turn off the Inner Editor.
If it helps, think of it as giving him or her some time off. Let them recharge their batteries a bit, freshen up a little, get energized and ready to tackle editing after you write.
But write first. Write often. Write every single day.
Even Luke Skywalker had Obi Wan Kenobi
Get a mentor.
Seriously. Get someone in your life you can turn to when you need advice, a little push, a bit of nudging. Get someone who will remind you that the key to mastering telepathy is following the program, writing every day and turning off the editor, and just committing to putting your thoughts out there in the most organized way possible, so that they get into as many brains as possible.
Even I have mentors. Plural. I have a whole bunch of folks I talk to all the time about my writing, my business, my personal development. I have people on speed dial to help me "sharpen the saw." I can't do this all on my own. No one can. Telepathy takes two people. Otherwise it's just you thinking really hard into the wind.
Luckily, you don't have to look far to find someone to coach you through all this. Since you're here, and you've over come tl;dr to read this whole post, I'm going to assume you value what I'm saying. So start here. I can tell you more.
I consult with people about their writing all the time. Talk to me. I really can help. And I really want to. Because you'll pay me. But also, and more importantly, after decades of writing to discover my own brand and voice and audience and purpose, I've discovered that my role in the world is teaching telepathy to others, helping people build and grow their authority, helping people figure out how to build something better out of the good stuff they already have in their lives.
Even if it's not me ...
If you don't come to me for mentorship, go to someone. Don't just sit with your thoughts un-broadcasted. Don't sit with the fear or anxiety that comes from simply not knowing who you really are or what you're trying to say. Start talking to people who know what this is like, who can give you guidance. And start writing, right now.
Swing by my Consulting page to set up some one-on-one time with me, if you need a place to start. We'll chat. We'll figure out what you need most. We'll get you a plan to start. And we'll teach you how to start developing your own telepathic super powers, one word at a time.