Posts tagged downsizing
The past has plush seats and working air conditioning

It's one thing to know that you'll have to make a few compromises to get the life you're after. It's another to give up my truck, dang it. 

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Homeless (for a minute there)

Sometimes plans change. And sometimes you just get a few new steps. That's where things landed for me and Kara as we finally sold our house, and realized we'd be homeless in just over a week. Time for new, updated plans, or we're living in a truck tent.

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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The most valuable thing at the flea market

These days, as Kara and I work to reduce our footprint and downsize our lives a bit, I've stopped (or at least slowed) a few old habits.

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Three Garbage Bags

Either you own your stuff or your stuff owns you. And as Kara and I get ready to start a whole new life, traveling together in an RV and exploring everything this country has to offer, we're freeing ourselves from all the stuff. And it hurts more than we thought it would. 

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


Get updates on new books, new posts, and new podcasts, plus be the first to hear about special offers and giveways. And pants jokes. Lots and lots of pants jokes.