You May Be the Obstacle

It could be you.

It’s certainly been me, most of my life and career

But if you find yourself slogging away, pushing and fighting, scratching and climbing, and you still haven’t moved any further along the road than when you first set foot upon it, it might just be that you are the obstacle.

That’s ok. That’s a good thing to learn. Now, though, it’s time to face some hard facts and bitter truths. It’s time to examine your life and your choices, your personality and your preferences, you principles and your habits, and ask: “What needs to change about who I am, so that I can become who I mean to be?”

Hard question. Even harder answer. But if you’re casting around looking for a light for this path you’re on, that’s your 1,000 watt bulb.

Figure out how you’re being a roadblock to your own success and dreams and goals, and then start working on how to compensate for yourself. And this may look like learning a new skill or attaining a new habit. Or it may look like paying someone to do the thing you do poorly. Don’t be afraid to face it, either way. Embrace it as a good thing, a great step forward.

Know thyself, then figure out how to work around thyself.

If you like this post, there’s a blog full of this kind of stuff. And Side Notes is basically an extension of my Note at the End, which you’ll find in all of my novels. And you can find those by clicking here. Share this post with your friends, if you found it helpful. And buy my books if you’d like to support me and my work!


Side NoteKevin Tumlinson