WPC-023 - Being a full-time speaker with Karen McCullough

WPC-023 -Being a full-time speaker with Karen McCullough
Kevin Tumlinson

Karen McCullough started in retail, but when her clothing store shut down she wanted a change. She connected with a coach, got some ideas together, and then jumped into a career of public speaking. Today, she’s an energetic and in-demand keynote speaker who talks to corporations and associations about everything from the value of change to customer service and working with Gen Y employees. Listen in on one of most fascinating Wordslinger interviews so far, and learn how you, too, could get into a career in public speaking.

Learn more about Karen McCullough's work:

Visit her website: karenmccullough.com

Follow her on social media:

Twitter —@k_mccullough
Facebook — The Facebook address given in the show is incorrect. Visit Karen on Facebook at facebook.com/karenmccullough1

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Learn more about Kevin Tumlinson and his work at kevintumlinson.com.

|| This episode of the Wordslinger Podcast is brought to you by Happy Pants Books. If you’re a coach, consultant, or keynote speaker and need to “publish or perish,” get your ideas out of your head and onto the page at happypantsbooks.com ||