30-Day Author: Develop A Daily Writing Habit and Write Your Book In 30 Days (Or Less)

30-Day Author: Develop A Daily Writing Habit and Write Your Book In 30 Days (Or Less)

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The go-to guide for learning how to develop the skills and the discipline to write every day, and to get your book finished, published, and into the hands of readers.

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Need to write a book, but don’t want to spend years doing it?

What if you could do it in 30 days or less?

Learn how to develop a daily writing habit. Learn how to determine the length of your book. And learn what to do with your book when it’s done—including editing, layout, cover design, and even marketing. 

30-Day Author is a treasure trove of information for the will-be author. Whether you are a public speaker, coach, consultant, or just someone with a great story to tell, get your non-fiction book or novel written fast and on shelves in no time.

Kevin Tumlinson is a prolific author, host of the Wordslinger Podcast, and co-host of the Self Publishing Answers Podcast. Every week, Kevin helps new authors learn more about the craft and the business of writing, publishing, and selling books. In this guide, Kevin breaks down his formula for writing a book in 30 days or any other timeframe you want, and gives you the foundation for marketing that book while developing a daily writing habit that will serve you for the rest of your career.

Read 30-Day Author today and get started on producing the book you've been daydreaming about.