Posts tagged story
Development Diary: Evergreen

In early November I had a dream that led to an idea, which eventually led to me starting a new book. This was something completely outside of either Citadel or Sawyer Jackson—a new, independent story that could stand on its own or become a series in its own right. I titled the story “Evergreen.”

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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3 tips for starting your own free range career

A lot of the people I interview are "free range humans" (to steal a term from Marianne Cantwell). Essentially, these are the folks who have figured out how to have the ultimate voice in their careers. They decide what they do for a living, how they do it, where they do it, and when they do it. Most of the time, this means working for yourself, which can be trying but almost always amazing. 

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Are you tuning in to the Wordslinger Podcast?

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a talker. So it shouldn't be any shock to learn that I have a weekly podcast called The Wordslinger Podcast. And I want you to tune in! 

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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The VERY FIRST Wordslinger Podcast is LIVE!

I'm stupid excited about this one. I just posted the very first Wordslinger Podcast! 

I've worked on this one for a while now, and it's been fun pulling it together. Every week I plan to feature a new story. In fact, story is the point! I'm looking at all aspects of story in our culture, in business, in indie publishing, and anywhere else I can find it. So I hope you dig it. Be sure to subscribe, and come back every week to fill your brain with the sweet, sweet tones of a man in a closet. 


I really should put both those words on the same line.

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Look who's talkin' about "Citadel: First Colony"

"Citadel: First Colony" is the first book in a series that is driven by character more than setting or circumstance. This series contains a group of characters I have come to love, and I truly believe they could be placed in any setting, from Downton Abbey to Doctor Who to Modern Family, and result in great stories. 

And because I think you will love them, too, I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is! Read on to find out how.

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Green World

Robbie and I had talked about "the shop" for years. Everyone did. It had stood there, empty, since before I was born. At least, I think it had. Robbie thinks it might have closed down just a few years ago, when we were still in grade school. And he says that he might have seen the inside once when it was still open. He remembers there being lots of people wearing hard hats and goggles, moving big pieces of metal around, sparks flying from welding rigs, and a lot of cursing and music. He remembers seeing a picture of a naked woman tacked to the peg board on someone's workbench, and his dad pulling him away before he could get a really good look.

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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A Container in the Woods

It never occurred to me to ask how a cargo container ended up in the middle of the woods, 10 miles or so from an actual train track. The trees surrounding it were thick and tall, and pressing in from all sides. There was clearance for the door to slide open, but you couldn't walk around the perimeter of the container without detouring around various trees. That should have seemed odd.

But then, I was twelve.

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Two Blocks East

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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A Second Skin (new flash fiction)

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Parker Sixteen (new flash fiction)

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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Xander Travel and the Floating Button

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Kevin Tumlinson is the author of numerous novels, novellas, and non-fiction books, and the host of the Wordslinger Podcast. Try three of his best books for free when you download his starter library at


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